TouchTopUp - provides online functionality for customers to manage and monitor their accounts, including topping up their card accounts and viewing transactions.
TouchTopUp - provides online functionality from desktop, mobile or tablet for customers to manage and monitor their accounts, including topping up their card accounts and viewing transactions right down to individual item details. works in conjunction with TouchAbacus and it is perfect for places where cash is impractical, including prisons, schools, hospitals, leisure centres and factories. It also provides the ability to manage multiple customer accounts from a single log on account. This means that in a school environment parents just need to have one log on for all their children.
Alternatively top up on site with a secure wall-mounted box that accepts coins and notes and transfers their cash value to a magnetic or contactless smart card. The TouchTopUp secure wall mounted unit has an on-screen display which helps assist customers with their transactions. The unit accepts UK coins (5p to £2) and notes (up to £20) but can also be converted to accept alternative tender, for example Euros.
The unit itself will monitor how much money has been credited and how many people have used the unit. It has a USB port which also makes upgrading simple.
The TouchTopUp unit has been made with security in mind, you can rest assured that the unit itself is made from high grade steel with twin locks to deter and prevent tampering.